Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's Starting to Feel a Lot Like...Winterish Fall??

So I just need to take a break real quick from work and from Great Plains posting, etc. Ahh, that's nice. I have been working through lunch on a regular basis now, but that doesn't mean that I don't take breaks once in a while. (Too many, I'm sure.) But it's nice to have a moment to just think about other things besides month end entries that I need to do...

I woke up this morning to find it super chilly outside, and the cars starting to get a glimmer of frost on them at this time. I got ready like usual while Niklas (sweetie pie) made my lunch for today, and then I was out the door a few minutes late like usual (the Miller Curse). And I've noticed that drivers around here don't believe in turn signals or looking before you pull out/ merge into another lane, etc. But then again, who am I to talk? I've probably cut so many people off without realizing. So while driving lazily with cruise control on and eating a homemade breakfast cookie, I realized how drab it looked outside, and it truly felt like winter...but isn't it still fall? There is still a cloudy covering over the whole of my little world in Idaho, and today feels so much like a holiday, as if I should be at home right now drinking some hot cocoa and playing Gauntlet Legends with Niklas. :P (Okay, so kidding on that last part, although we did that on occasion in the past.)

Besides that, I really have nothing much to write on right now---just felt like writing. One dilemma, however---found out last night that Niklas will have to work on Black Friday, which means that we'll get to spend 24 hours in Utah for Thanksgiving and then have to head right back home. Another option is for me to stay the weekend and catch a shuttle later while Niklas goes home Thanksgiving evening. Not sure if I like this idea, although I looked forward to spending time with family. Because honestly, it almost feels wrong to have one of us stay while the other has to leave for work---but is that typical? I have no idea yet what we will do, but we'll figure it out soon enough.

Back to work...


Kristine said...

Hey bloggypants,
The air has been a little crisp here as well - but just a little snow on the mountain tops, nothing too serious yet.

Bummer about Thanksgiving. I don't know what to say. I personally like the idea of traveling as a couple.. it feels a little more unified, but if he'll be working through the weekend anyway, maybe it doesn't hurt to stay... whatever you decide is fine. You can see us anytime, it's whether you want to have the extra time with Mom & Dad and the other guests.

Karen said...

That's the problem---we both feel weird about separating over the break because it DOESN'T fee unified. But as you said, he'll be working most of Friday, and not sure about Saturday, so I'd be home alone anyway. But my friend Linda will most likely be around, and if I don't end up staying for the whole weekend, I'm sure I could hang out a little with her while Nickel Head is working. It's not that I don't want to spend time with family---it's just that adding another person to the mix (otherwise known as marriage) complicates things a bit. Like I said, we'll work it out soon enough. :)

Unknown said...

Ahh... yours is the dilemma of the newly married. ;-)

Unknown said...

It's me... not Dad. I don't know why it decided our login name was "ron" ... but someday I'll figure out how to change that.


Unknown said...

This is my last comment for the night! Promise. ;-)

Just thinking about Thanksgiving. When this came up a couple of weeks ago Dad's first response was to just bag it and not come down because he'll be down this month. I told him how disappointed you were when we were talking about not doing it and there was some dialogue over that. If you hardly spend any time to visit... that would be too bad. There will be more than a few people there who would enjoy chatting. With extra people at dinner, we probably won't get much good visiting in until after actual Thanksgiving day anyway.

It's not looking like we'll have very much time on this week's (we hope) trip... for me, anyway. I'll have to turn around and leave for Provo very soon after we've gotten there. I was hoping to see more of you at Thanksgiving.

So... I'm hoping you can stay a bit longer. :-) I know it's hard when you're newly married. I remember how I felt going as a cabin mom to Girl's Camp two months after dad and I were married. But we were separated for a full week with no phone contact. Cell phones were not even a possibility back then.

Think I'd better hit the hay!

Love, Mom

Love, Mom