Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hoping for Sickly Sweet Goodness...?

Just a quickie post. I felt fine when I got to work, besides feeling tired...but now I feel exactly how I did after running a few miles and lifting weights back in the day: completely worn out. It's not even 10 a.m. yet! :'(

In other news, I have my 28-week prenatal appointment later today, consisting of another ultrasound and the glucose screening test. The ultrasound is to check on the location of the placenta, since at my 20-week ultrasound, the tech found that it was located within 1-2 cm from the cervix. If the placenta is still that close to the cervix, I'll have to get a C-section ultimately(ugh); but the doctor was pretty confident the placenta would move away from the cervix as my uterus grew with time. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that today's ultrasound will result in good news. I'm also hoping to see little Clara again while they are looking around in there. I love seeing her move around in her little wonderland. :)

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to drink this stuff down:

Mmmm, yummy.... Not. I don't know about you, but the thought of drinking a pure sugar drink makes me want to gag. But I have a strategy: I'm going to pretend it's chocolate milk while plugging my nose. We'll see how that goes...


ashley said...

haha! i love the picture. the sugar drink isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be....sure it's not something i would want to drink every day, but it's not too bad. good luck and i hope you get a good look at clara today too! let me know how it goes!

Shaylen said...

You are so entertaining! I hope that stuff went down ok! That would make me gag too.