Congrats, Utah. You've just earned an all-time low score in my book. So many people have told me for years how superficial you are by their opinions and experiences, and I've always tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, saying that there are still good people there...somewhere. Disregard the lip-suction billboards that I haven't seen anywhere else; or the tales of young folks getting married in Vegas (to make it legit & moral, of course) just to have sex and then get a divorce shortly thereafter; or even the fact that my sister who lived there said she felt like she was doing something wrong going out in public without makeup on (the horror!).
But FP?? I had never heard of this term until I read my brother-in-law's cousin's blog (which I love; I'm a total blog stalker) about it. Fat Potential. And the fact that some guys actually take this into account when dating girls. Perhaps it's all a joke...but I really doubt it given the history.
All I have to say is this: I VOW that I will raise my boys better. If they even go off on how someone looks in a superficial way I will (theoretically) smack them in the head. Of all the guys out there to be so shallow, how did it end up being the LDS ones?? Someone care to explain it to me? Cause last time I checked, our religion teaches to follow the example of Christ, who looked in the heart of people and not just judge by their shell. Amazing.
I felt for a long time that I should have gone to BYU instead of BYU-I, simply because it had the reputation of being a better school. But after years of hearing how it really is and seeing it for myself, I am so glad I went to little ol' BYU-I. I would have wanted to shrivel up and die to be subjected to such a population of super-model/Barbie wannabes.
I still have hope that there are some genuine, non-shallow folks in Utah. But I am slowly losing faith. And I'm sure I'll feel bad about posting this later; but I can't hold it in right now. ARGH!!
Well... you can't blame all of Utah for the invention of "FP"... it just happens to be a state that houses some very superficial guys. For the record, I find myself missing Utah more than I thought I would.
I am going to assume you have yet to read the link on my blog for the mormon batchlor pad! If you had your rant and rave would have been considerably longer!
Nah, I just blame LDS folks for even letting that taint the religion. What the heck?
Kristine, you'll have to share with me what you miss about it. ;)
Yeah, Darcie, there is NO way I'm going to check out that Mormon Batchelor Pad blog...I'm saving myself the anger and dissapointment! (And you're right---this would have been longer if I had!)
Okay, I didn't mean tainting the actual religion (because nothing could)--more like it pains me to see it become part of the Mormon culture. Ick.
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