Monday, September 14, 2009


So after Niklas had had his surgery almost two weeks ago, the doctors told us that there was always a chance that there could be another electrical pathway that could become "active" once the other extra one was destroyed...and it looks like Niklas fits into that lucky category.

Last night after he had barely gone to bed, Niklas' heart went into another episode. It was a horrible disappointment for both of us, but there is always hope. He's going to call the doctor today and see when they can get him in again for a second surgery. I'm just wondering how many of these buggy pathways he has in his heart... : /

Anyway, I figured I must have jinxed the situation with my post yesterday talking about the success of the surgery. Guess I should keep my mouth shut!


Kristine said...

Welcome to life. I always pray for the best and plan for the worst - I don't like disappointment. Just do what you can and hope that eventually it can be fixed. :)

Kathy Miller said...

Try not to look at it as being jinxed. If he needs more "work" to get it fixed, than it's better to find out sooner than later. We were all hoping once would be enough, but that would have almost seemed too good to be true. :-/

Hope it all goes well and is not harder for him the second time. Knowing what to expect can make things easier or harder... not sure which way that will affect him.

Please keep us posted when you find out what the doctor has to say and when he'll be going in again.