Thursday, November 6, 2008

Phone Tones

See this phone? It pretty much looks like the one in my office. Unassuming, modest, hardly ever rings to bother me, and collecting dust is one of its hobbies. In short, it is my roommate that I have really no relationship with---I'm much closer to my computer, keyboard, and mouse.

We're looking at what could be my work phone's cousin because it is one of the key players in my little rant right now. What is it about getting on the phone that makes some people feel an urge to be not-so-nice to others? Is it because they can't see your face and just hear this disembodied voice? Do they assume you are just a voice??

And what is it about using your modest work phone to call up a county office in, of all places, Kitsap, to ask a few simple property tax questions and then feel like the county person thinks you're an idiot that has a brick for a brain??

Okay, so it really wasn't that bad. I am still new at my job, still trying to get information for all these companies I keep books for to stay on top of the day-to-day business. I just have never liked it when working people seem like they are annoyed at your very existence because you called them on the phone to ask a few questions---cause isn't that's part of anyone's job? And maybe she didn't mean to sound impatient or slightly condescending/cross---but if not, how can you not recognize how your tone comes across to other people when you are saying with slight inflection in just the right places, "Nooo, they are 2008," etc. etc. etc.? Nothing against her, truly. But I seriously said, "Sheesh...!" outloud once I got off the phone with her, after her very fast hangup when I told her thank you for the info. Must be like those other government jobs...they don't have to be nice to you if they don't want, so they aren't---mostly.

Ahh, gotta love an office job. The good thing is that tonight is ward temple night---seems that I always have a little bit more stressful, etc. day when I am going to the temple in the evening. But the stressful days allow me to appreciate the peacefulness of the temple that much more. :)


Kathy M. said...

It doesn't excuse truly bad behavior, but I suspect that particular office is pretty busy at this time. The due date for the fall payment for property taxes is at the end of October... so they probably have a LOT of bookwork to do. I'm not sure how many people are on staff at the office either. So... it doesn't negate rude behavior, but the timing of the call might have been a factor.

I'd better get off here... dentist appointment today. :-) Hope you're having an otherwise good week. :-)

Kristine said...

Welcome to my world toots.
I have bad days, but I always try to be courteous and friendly -- some people just have a harder time or dont want to make the effort. To be fair, they probably have a really stressful job, so their friendly phone voice is the first to go.