I am feeling super optimistic today. There are so many good things that have happened/will happen over the next few weeks:
- I found out this morning that I passed the Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) section of the CPA exam that I took in October (!!!). I have three more sections to pass over the next 18 months, but I'll tackle those eventually.
- Niklas and I are going to be parents in a matter of days, and we both have no idea what we're doing. But we'll figure it out like everyone else.
- My mother-in-law is flying in this Thursday and will stay with us for a little over a week to help with the cleaning and whatever needs to get done. So nice.
- Niklas' brother and wife are also showing up this weekend to pay a visit.
- This Friday is my last day of work before maternity leave!
- My mom will be flying in for her grandma shift after my mother-in-law heads back to WA. She will be spending Thanksgiving with our new threesome family.
- Niklas graduates with his Bachelor's degree in English this December!!! :D After that, we have no idea what's in store for him/us. He was planning on applying to a few graduate schools whilst also applying for full-time employment. Sometimes all of these unknowns freak me out; but today I'm feeling that everything will fall into place and be fine in the long-run.
Now, if only I could bottle these spouts of optimism and keep it for the future rainy days. Ah, well.
So there you have it, folks. I'm standing on the edge of a major life-altering event, and all I can say, is...bring it on; and also thank you to Heavenly Father, for all of these marvelous blessings in my life. I realize more and more just how much Niklas and I are safe-guarded in Your loving hands.